
Year 7 at Girton

Discover the Opportunities

Year 7 is about opening young minds, unlocking talents and preparing students for whatever comes next.

Commencing Secondary School is an exciting time for most students and our Year 7 transition program supports children as they settle into new routines, with new peers and new teachers.  For most students, having a different teacher for each subject throughout the day and moving to a new classroom for each lesson is the biggest adjustment that needs to be made in Year 7. Our experience is that children make this adjustment quickly and build relationships with their teachers and their peers in an environment of care and respect that we are lucky to enjoy at Girton.

Each year feedback from graduating Year 12 students is that Girton taught them “how to learn,” setting them on the road to success and the achievement of their personal academic goals. This process begins in Year 7 when students are taught important skills including organisation and note-taking.

Emotional Intelligence Education is one of the cornerstones of the Girton Curriculum and is delivered via the RULER approach. Girton is considered a world leader in the delivery of this important educational aspect and our staff are regularly approached to present at local, national and international conferences, as well as train educators from other institutions. We consider that this is an important ingredient in the often observed and commented on, positive atmosphere that is palpable throughout the school.

There are approximately 800 students in the Girton Senior School, and from Year 7 to Year 9, students attend classes in one of six House groups, allowing a special bond of belonging to evolve based on a sense of ‘team’. With more elective subjects after Year 9, classes become determined on subject choice, but the loyalty to House established in the early years of Senior School at Girton typically endures with fierce and friendly allegiance right through until graduation.

Contact our Registrar to discover how Year 7 at Girton can set your child on a road to success or apply using our online form here: .